
Risk Management

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There are reports that Google is preparing an announcement of “quantum supremacy” for later this year. If…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Asset Allocation
Why can’t a fund manager simply subtract all fees and expenses from gross returns and present the…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Manager Selection, Hedge Funds
The Sharpe ratio has long served as a simple but important item in the due diligence tool kit. Formulated by…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Manager Selection, Hedge Funds
By standard definition, “ambiguity aversion” is the preference for known risks over unknown risks, the known…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Manager Selection
By Bill Kelly, CEO, CAIA Association The adaptation to this week’s title harkens back to late 19th …
Asset Allocation, Risk Management, Educational Alpha
By Nicolas Rabener of FactorResearch INTRODUCTION Investors fear black swan events, although it can be argued…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Asset Allocation
Daniel Hill, a research analyst for the global equity team at William Blair, has written an insightful piece…
State of the Industry, Risk Management
Algorithmic trading may fairly be said to have conquered the public equities world, although there are still…
State of the Industry, Risk Management
GARCH (Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity) models are very useful for estimating the…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Emerging Asset Classes, Access to Alternatives
Two scholars, Shubeur Rahman and Ranjan Bhaduri, have in a new paper taken a fresh look at a long-standing…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Hedge Funds
Activist hedge funds can always be expected to trade both in lit exchanges and in dark pools, in the course…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Hedge Funds
Understanding of the “Markowitz problem” has changed in the 60+ years since Harry Markowitz’ publication of…
Risk Management, Asset Allocation
A new article by Dave Dowsett and Heather Wied, both of Invesco, looks at blockchains and the way this new…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Emerging Asset Classes, Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives
I write these words soon after reading the news from Sundra Strait, Indonesia. In recent days, the eruption…
Emerging Asset Classes, Risk Management, State of the Industry
A recent article in the Journal of Risk and Financial Management  takes a fresh look at a familiar issue…
Manager Selection, Risk Management, State of the Industry