
Risk Management

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McGraw Hill Education has brought out a new book by Bruce I. Jacobs, of Jacobs Levy Equity Management. The…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
KPMG, the auditing giant based in the Netherlands, has put out a white paper on the “digitization mandate” in…
Hedge Funds, Private Equity, Risk Management, State of the Industry
The twelfth annual report of what used to be known as the EY Global Hedge Fund Survey has been re-christened…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Private Equity, Hedge Funds
On Nov. 13, the 24th Annual National Pension and Institutional Investment Summit convenes in Dallas Texas.…
Asset Allocation, Hedge Funds, Manager Selection, Risk Management, State of the Industry
A new white paper from New York Life looks at the role of alternatives in portfolio construction and argues…
Asset Allocation, Hedge Funds, Private Equity, Risk Management, State of the Industry
It will be 50 years ago next year (1969) that Hans R. Stoll came out with “The Relationship between Put and…
Asset Allocation, Risk Management, State of the Industry
By Amit Soni, Portfolio Manager, Strategic Asset Allocation, New York Life Investments Lofty valuations in…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Manager Selection, Asset Allocation
Glassbridge has put out an ambitious white paper about the “evolution of asset allocation across the…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Hedge Funds, Emerging Asset Classes, Asset Allocation
A new paper by Claus Huber, of Rodex Risk Advisers, looks at machine learning for risk analysis, working…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Manager Selection, Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
Working from a database drawn from 13F filings, authors of a new report from Goldman Sachs Asset Management…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Hedge Funds
The founder of CEO of MSR Indices, a Parsippany, N.J.-based index-investors consultancy, has authored a white…
Asset Allocation, Hedge Funds, Risk Management, State of the Industry
By Tom Keck, Partner & Head of Research; Lisa Larsson, Vice President, Research Researchers at…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Private Equity, Manager Selection
Much has been written this week about the fall of the house of Lehman. Too big to fail became “someone has to…
Educational Alpha, Risk Management, Access to Alternatives
It is generally acknowledged that there exists a positive association between business risk and audit fees.…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Hedge Funds
A recent report by the Bank of Italy looks at why the various banks of Italy use derivatives. Specifically,…
Asset Allocation, Hedge Funds, Risk Management, State of the Industry