Portfolio for the Future™

Research, Analysis, and Opinions for Better Investor Outcomes

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Displaying 1291 - 1305 of 2204
By Ben McMillan Hedge funds talk big about returns. Historically, successful managers have claimed credit for…
Hedge Funds, State of the Industry
A scholar in Moscow, at National Research University Higher School of Economics, has proposed a trading…
Asset Allocation, Hedge Funds
Two scholars affiliated with the Indian Institute of Management, in Calcutta, have posted a paper about the…
Asset Allocation
The data and analysis provider eVestment has issued a new white paper on “enhancing private equity manager…
Manager Selection, Risk Management
By Charles Skorina In early 2016 certain Congressional committees sent letters to 65 major private…
State of the Industry
Jason Williams, senior vice president at Lazard Asset Management, has written a white paper on the “six sins…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Manager Selection, Asset Allocation
The Federal Reserve has issued a final rule relating to the qualified financial contracts (QFCs) of global…
Risk Management, Manager Selection, Asset Allocation
By Nicolas Rabener, FactorResearch Are Factor Returns Limited to Small Caps? Summary: A frequent criticism…
State of the Industry, Asset Allocation
Economists sometimes cite a “law of unintended consequences.” This is what it sounds like, the principle that…
Asset Allocation, Hedge Funds
What the heck does the forbidding phrase “reduced form Bayesian VAR” mean? Let’s break this down. The VAR in…
Asset Allocation
The European Commission and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission have agreed on a “common approach…
State of the Industry, Access to Alternatives
The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC), a provider of clearance, settlement, and a wide range…
Risk Management
It has been 20 years since the Alternative Investment Management Association published its first due…
Manager Selection, Risk Management
With the  sponsorship of Franklin Templeton, The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)  has surveyed…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Asset Allocation
By Charles Skorina With 76 firms heard from, we're now reporting $1.62 trillion in full-discretion…
Manager Selection, State of the Industry