Portfolio for the Future™

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Displaying 1351 - 1365 of 2204
A joint survey by the Alternative Investment Management Association and GPP, the financial services firm…
State of the Industry, Private Equity, Hedge Funds
Just prior to the June 8 election in the UK this year, Preqin took a look at the state of the hedge fund…
State of the Industry, Manager Selection
The Alternative Investment Management Association, the global AI industry group, has been busy of late. Its…
Hedge Funds
In a recent article for The Journal of Investment Consulting, John Mulvey and Margaret Holen look at the…
State of the Industry, Asset Allocation
A joint survey by the Alternative Investment Management Association and GPP, the financial services firm…
Hedge Funds
By Michael Weinberg, CFA In our thought piece, “The Intelligent Investor in an Era of Autonomous…
State of the Industry
Preqin, in collaboration with NXT Capital, has surveyed institutional investors about the U.S. lower middle-…
State of the Industry, Asset Allocation
A new study by EDHECinfra (EDHEC’s infrastructure institute based in Singapore), has a striking point of view…
One of the most well-worn clichés in the hedge fund industry is the phrase “skin in the game.” Investors want…
State of the Industry, Manager Selection, Hedge Funds
PWC and the Urban Land Institute have jointly issued a report on “emerging trends in real estate” around the…
By Charles Skorina This letter looks at the most recent five-year performance of over one hundred of the…
State of the Industry
Milliman, an actuarial and consulting firm headquartered in Seattle, has completed a white paper on corporate…
Asset Allocation
Unigestion has posted a research paper by Olivier Blin, Joan Lee, and Jérôme Teiletche, on “some of the…
Asset Allocation
On May 3, 2017, Ernst & Young made available the bullet points for a presentation on the “accounting,…
Agrifrance recently posted a report looking at the French wine industry, with an especial focus on export to…
State of the Industry, Emerging Asset Classes