Portfolio for the Future™

Research, Analysis, and Opinions for Better Investor Outcomes

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In a recent paper Mark Shore, of Shore Capital Management, has discussed overlaying of strategies in managed…
Manager Selection, Risk Management
ETF Securities (US) LLC, a New York-based asset manager and manufacturer of ETP’s (Exchange Traded Products…
Asset Allocation
This is the first of a series of articles on smart beta. By Scott Opsal, The Leuthold Group Understanding…
Asset Allocation, State of the Industry
Mark Shore, chief research officer of Shore Capital Research, and an adjunct professor at DePaul University,…
State of the Industry, ESG, Emerging Asset Classes
Ever since the 1930s, scholars have discussed the “agency problem” built into the structure of publicly owned…
Asset Allocation, Risk Management
Preqin’s review of the hedge fund space in the first quarter of 2017 describes the quarter as a time of “…
State of the Industry, Manager Selection, Hedge Funds
Sarah Bernstein, of the Pension Consulting Alliance, has prepared a discussion paper for the benefit of the…
State of the Industry, ESG
It is clear by now to even the most hardened skeptic that cryptocurrency, the class of assets of which…
Access to Alternatives, Asset Allocation, Emerging Asset Classes, State of the Industry
By Diane Harrison The mindset of “I’m OK, you’re OK” endorsed by today’s progressive parents who aim to…
A recent report from the PEW charitable trusts discusses the degree to which the pension funds of the states…
State of the Industry, Asset Allocation
It’s an old debate: does socially responsible investing under its variations (including “impact investing”)…
State of the Industry, ESG
Highquest Partners and a product strategist for timber and agriculture at GMO LLC (Julie Koeninger) have…
Nathan Swem, an economist with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, has written a paper on…
Risk Management, Asset Allocation
Preqin’s new Sovereign Wealth Fund Review makes the point that total assets under the management of SWFs…
State of the Industry, Asset Allocation
The Cornerstone Capital Group, in a new white paper, looks at some of the specific interactions between ESG…
State of the Industry, ESG