CAIAA Examination - Calculator Policy

Updated October 1, 2024

Only two calculator models are authorized for use during exams offered by CAIAA:  

  • Texas Instruments BA II Plus (including the TI BA II Plus Professional).   
  • Hewlett Packard 12C (including the HP 12C Platinum, HP 12C 25th Anniversary Edition, HP 12C 30th Anniversary Edition, and HP 12C Prestige).   

These authorized models are widely available through retail stores and online. Candidates are encouraged to obtain an approved calculator early, to allow time to practice using it.

Use of an authorized calculator is strongly recommended. If you wish to use a calculator, you must bring the approved calculator to your scheduled exam appointment; no other calculators or electronic devices will be permitted, and calculators will not be supplied to you by test administrators.  

  • You may NOT share a calculator with another Candidate during your exam session.  
  • Your calculator will be visually inspected prior to the start of the exam.  
  • Your calculator must remain on your desk in full view throughout your exam session. 

Candidates are encouraged to make sure their calculators have full battery to avoid the need for battery replacement or a second calculator. 

Spare approved calculators, calculator covers, keystroke cards, instruction manuals, and extra batteries are NOT permitted in the testing room. These items must be stored in your secure locker outside of the testing room, and test center staff will permit you to retrieve them if needed.

Possession or use of an unauthorized calculator during your exam will result in the voiding of your exam results and may lead to the suspension or termination of your candidacy in the CAIA Program. Failure by test administrators to detect an unauthorized calculator prior to the start of the exam, or your use of an unauthorized calculator at any time during the exam, does not imply that the calculator is an approved model or that your results will ultimately be reported.

CAIAA strictly enforces all policies regarding calculator use during the exams, and Candidates are required to abide by the policies of CAIAA.