CAIAA Examination - Exam Day Disruptions or Exam Compromise

Updated October 1, 2024

It is the priority of CAIAA to protect the safety of Candidates and the integrity of the CAIAA Examinations. CAIAA and its test center provider and (online) exam proctors take steps that are intended to ensure a safe, standardized administration of CAIAA exams at each Candidate’s exam appointment.  

However, events such as fire, flood, earthquake, storm, outbreak of disease, other natural disasters, or a Candidate’s insufficient technical or system capabilities; social uprisings; or acts of military, political, or government authorities (or even the threat of such an event) could interfere with the ability to deliver exams. 

If the normal testing process is cancelled, interrupted, delayed, mistimed, or otherwise disrupted, or if exam content is compromised, CAIAA may change the date, time, or location of affected Candidates’ exam appointments or cancel the administration of the exam for all or a portion of the exam administration window. In that case, CAIAA will determine whether an alteration of the exam or other corrective action, such as cancelling results, is warranted.  

Scheduled Break vs Unscheduled Break  

You must obtain the test administrator’s permission to leave the testing room for any reason. A security check will be performed every time you leave or enter the testing room. During all breaks (scheduled or unscheduled), you may not communicate about the exam or its contents with any other person, either in-person, by telephone, or any electronic means, except for with test administrators. 

Scheduled Break  

There is an optional 30-minute break in a test center exam. This break is scheduled between exam sections 1 and 2. If you exceed the time allowed for the optional break, the extra time will be deducted from your time for section 2. 

During the scheduled break in a test center, you are generally permitted to leave the test center building, though this policy may vary among test centers. It is your responsibility to ask the test administrator where to find approved restrooms, food and drink vending areas, or smoking areas. Access to items in your locker will be permitted, but you must place all items back in your locker prior to reentering the testing room and you will undergo a visual inspection upon return. Please note that notes and other study materials are not permitted in the test center. If you violate the test center policies, the administrator may refuse to allow you to reenter the testing room to continue your exam. 

Unscheduled Break  

During testing, you are allowed up to two unscheduled breaks, but the testing time will not be paused. During these breaks, you can use the designated restroom and, with authorization from test center personnel, may access their personal belongings for water, food, medical items, or with express permission, replace a malfunctioning approved calculator with a replacement you brought and stored in your locker. You cannot access other personal items, including mobile phones, electronic devices, or study materials. You must not leave the test center during unscheduled breaks. The test center includes the facility where check-in, security, and testing occur, as well as the designated restroom. 

View the general exam day procedures, which may vary slightly due to local requirements. All candidates must follow these instructions, or you will not be admitted into the testing room. 

If CAIAA determines that corrective action is necessary, CAIAA may offer affected Candidates a retest or alternative test date at no additional fee during the following regularly scheduled exam window.  

If there is a disruption in your exam (e.g. technical or environmental) but you are able to continue testing, you must stay at the location. If you decide to leave the test center, CAIAA will not approve a rescheduling of your exam appointment or deferral of your exam registration. 

No remedy will be offered to affected Candidates if they caused or were involved in the conduct that resulted in the need for corrective action. CAIAA will make all decisions regarding the administration of the exam and any corrective action in its sole discretion. This paragraph contains the sole and exclusive remedies available to any Candidate affected by disruptions in testing or a potential exam compromise.

Candidates must notify CAIAA of any change or anomaly during their exam appointment at