CAIAA Examination - Exam Irregularities and Score Reviews

Updated October 1, 2024

CAIAA endeavors at all times to properly process, prepare, handle, and score all exams. In the unlikely event an error occurs in the processing, preparation, handling, or scoring of your exam, CAIAA will, if possible, correct it. In cases where any part of the testing service is not delivered or completed, CAIAA, in its sole discretion, may permit a Candidate to retest at no additional fee.  

Candidates with questions about the scoring of their exams can request a score review after receiving their Candidate Performance Report. In a score review, the Candidate’s exam score will be manually retabulated. The Candidate’s responses will not be re-graded. The fee for the score review option is US$100. Requests for a score review must be submitted to within 30 days of receiving the Candidate Performance Report. If the score review indicates that the Candidate’s reported score was incorrect, the Candidate’s score will be corrected, and the Candidate will receive a refund of the score review fee. Please note that all exam materials, including exam questions, Candidate responses, and Candidate scores are the property of CAIAA and will not be released.  

The remedies described above are the exclusive remedies available to Candidates for errors in the processing, preparation, handling, or scoring of exams.