CAIAA Examination - Remote Proctored Testing - Exam Experience and Delivery

Updated October 1, 2024

Effective April 10, 2024, Remote Proctored Testing (RPT) is available by exception only. Candidates will need an approved accommodation a Remote Proctored CAIAA Testing appointment. If approved for Remote Proctor Testing, additional candidate policies will be applicable as specified. 

When you were approved for and selected the Remote Proctor Testing option, you attested to having reviewed the environment and technical system requirements and your ability to meet these requirements.

CAIA Association (CAIAA) has informed Candidates approved for the Remote Proctor Exam option, to follow the guidance provided by Prometric for successful completion of the Remote Proctored Exam. Including but not limited to:  

  • Online exam Candidates can NOT make use of pen and paper, familiarize yourself with the Digital Scratch paper function within the CAIAA Exam Tutorial. 

CAIAA is not responsible for an unsuccessful exam experience due to either inadequate system capabilities or lack of familiarity with the aforementioned features. CAIAA will not issue any refunds for an unsuccessful exam delivery due to your device or network not meeting the system requirements or your inability to navigate the ProProctor exam platform, including use of the digital scratchpad.

There are two main reasons your online proctored exam could be unsuccessfully delivered: 
Your exam cannot be launched—if technical problems with your computer or internet connection prevent the exam from launching correctly.  

  • You are responsible for running the system test prior to making your Remote Proctor Testing appointment through Prometric. Should you not run the test or proceed with the online appointment although your system test was unsuccessful, you may not be able to complete your exam. CAIAA is not responsible for your inability to complete your exam successfully due to your system not meeting technical requirements. CAIAA will not issue any refunds for unsuccessful exam delivery due to your insufficient system capabilities.   
  • If your setup does not pass the system test, it is your responsibility to schedule your exam at a testing center instead.  

During an examination, the following behavior may result in a revoked exam by the Proctor who monitors your Remote Proctor Testing exam. Please adhere to the guidelines provided at including but not limited to the following:  

  • You must stay within webcam view at all times.  
  • You cannot get up and walk around.  
  • No one can be in or enter your testing environment at any time.  
  • You cannot leave your testing environment until the scheduled break.  
  • You must be fully clothed (no hats or hoodies).  
  • You may have water in a clear glass during testing; however, eating, smoking, vaping, and chewing gum are prohibited.   
  • You may not wear headphones, earbuds, or a headset.  
  • You may not have prohibited items where you can see them or reach for them while sitting in front of your computer. This includes watches, phones, and other prohibited items as described in this document.  
  • You cannot have in the room or attempt to use study guides, reference materials, or other materials during the exam.  

If your exam was interrupted either by Proctor or by technology, you MUST contact CAIAA at