CAIAA Examination - Testing Accommodation and Grievance Policy

Updated October 1, 2024

The CAIA Association (CAIAA) is committed to providing reasonable testing accommodations to individuals with physical or mental impairments, in compliance with the law.  


Testing Accommodations  

The purpose of testing accommodations is to provide Candidates with full access to the examination.  

However, testing accommodations are not a guarantee of improved performance or test completion. CAIAA provides reasonable and appropriate test accommodations to individuals with documented disabilities who demonstrate a need for test accommodations.  

Testing accommodations are individualized and considered on a case-by-case basis. Consequently, no single type of testing accommodation (e.g., extra time) would necessarily be appropriate for all individuals with disabilities  


1. Statement of Non-Discrimination and Testing Accommodation  

  1. CAIAA does not discriminate on the basis of disability.  
  1. Individuals with disabilities are entitled to a reasonable accommodation to ensure that they have full and equal access to the educational resources of CAIAA, consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12182) (“ADA”), its related statutes and regulations, as well as corresponding state law.  
  1. The ADA prohibits a place of public accommodation from discriminating on the basis of disability. The applicable law and regulations may be examined in the office of the ADA Compliance Team, who has been designated to coordinate the efforts to comply with the ADA. ADA Compliance Team:

2. Grievance Process  

  1. CAIAA has adopted an internal grievance procedure providing for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by the ADA.  
  1. Any person who believes she/he has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of disability, including disagreements regarding requested accommodations, may file a grievance pursuant to the procedure outlined below. CAIAA will not retaliate against anyone who files a grievance in good faith or cooperates in the investigation of a grievance.  
  1. Procedure  
  • An individual must submit their grievances by completing and submitting the Appeal for Grievance  within thirty (30) days of learning of the alleged discriminatory action.
  • Grievances should be memorialized in a written complaint. The complaint must state the problem or action alleged to be discriminatory and the remedy or relief sought. The complaint must also state the name and address of the person filing it.  
  • The ADA Compliance Team shall investigate the complaint and afford all interested persons an opportunity to submit relevant evidence. The individual filing the complaint may also present witnesses relative to the complaint. The ADA Compliance Team will maintain the files and records relating to such grievances. All reasonable efforts will be made to provide a written determination to the individual filing the complaint within 30 days after its filing. If a written determination cannot be made within 30 days of the complaint’s filing, the ADA Compliance Team will advise the individual filing the complaint and provide an update as to the status of the investigation. The individual filing the complaint may also contact the ADA Compliance Team to inquire as to the status of the investigation at reasonable intervals:
  • The individual filing the complaint may appeal the decision of the ADA Compliance Coordinator by writing to Ruth Carolan, Managing Director of Global Operations, CAIA Association, email:, within 15 days of receiving the ADA Compliance Team’s decision. The Managing Director of Global Operations shall issue a written decision in response to the appeal no later than 30 days after its filing.
  • The availability and use of this grievance procedure does not prevent a person from filing a complaint of discrimination on the basis of disability with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights and/or a similar state agency.  

CAIAA will take all steps to prevent recurrence of any harassment or other discrimination and to correct discriminatory effects where appropriate.