CAIAA Member Volunteer Policy

Updated October 1, 2024

From time to time, an individual (the “Volunteer”) may assist CAIAA and its local Membership on a volunteer part-time basis by, inter alia, hosting, supporting, or participating in functions, gatherings, promotions, or other events or programs in support of CAIAA (collectively, the “Volunteer Services,”) provided, however, that a Volunteer’s attendance at or participation in any presentation or conference sponsored by CAIAA shall not be considered to constitute “Volunteer Services”). The relationship between the Volunteer and CAIAA shall be governed by the following terms and conditions (the “Terms”): 

  1. Prior to performing volunteer services, all Volunteers must sign a Volunteer Agreement which acknowledges that volunteer services are made without the contemplation of pay, and are entirely voluntary, with no coercion by CAIAA, no promise of advancement, and no penalty for not volunteering. 


  1. CAIAA shall have, retain, or be transferred exclusive ownership of all intellectual property rights in any inventions or improvements, materials, methods, designs, formulas, and other proprietary information developed by CAIAA or by or with the Volunteer solely while providing any Volunteer Services (collectively, “Developments”). CAIAA shall have exclusive ownership and licensing rights with respect to any Developments. 


  1. Nothing in these Terms shall give the Volunteer any right, title, or interest in or to CAIAA’s trademarks or service marks (collectively, the “CAIASM Marks”) other than as expressly set forth herein. The Volunteer shall not, with respect to the CAIASM Marks, (a) claim adversely to CAIAA, (b) assist any third party in attempting to claim adversely to CAIAA, (c) challenge the title thereof, (d) oppose any registration thereof, or (e) challenge the validity of these Terms or any license granted herein. The Volunteer shall not register, or attempt to register, any trade name or trademark that, in whole or in part, incorporates or is confusingly similar to the CAIASM Marks. 


  1. The Volunteer shall not disclose to others or use other than for any purposes specifically permitted under these Terms, either during or after the provision by the Volunteer of any Volunteer Services, any designs, formulas, pricing, customer list, or other information provided by CAIAA to the Volunteer without CAIAA’s prior written permission. 


  1. The Volunteer shall comply with any policies or procedures regarding conduct that is required to ensure that any claim made by CAIAA pursuant to its insurance policies is valid. 


  1. Without prejudice to other rights or remedies of the Volunteer, CAIAA shall indemnify the Volunteer against any losses, liabilities, costs (including reasonable legal costs), expenses, claims, actions, or causes of action asserted against the Volunteer (collectively, “Losses”) relating to the Volunteer Services, except CAIAA shall not indemnify the Volunteer for fraudulent, criminal, self- dealing, or other willful, intentional, or grossly negligent acts or omissions. The Volunteer shall provide CAIAA with notice immediately upon, and no later than 10 days after, the occurrence of any act or omission that may result in any Losses or upon learning of any action, proceeding, claim, or demand against the Volunteer or CAIAA relating to the Volunteer Services. Any such notice shall be delivered via email to, provided, however, that such notices shall not be effective unless and until CAIAA confirms receipt thereof to the Volunteer). 


  1. Nothing contained in these Terms shall be deemed to make the relationship between the Volunteer and CAIAA (the “Relationship”) anything other than that of independent contracting parties. The Relationship is not and shall not be deemed to be any other type of relationship, including, without limitation, that of joint venturers, partners, principal and agent, or employer and employee. The Volunteer has no right or authority, nor shall it acquire any right or authority under these Terms or otherwise, to assume or to create any obligation or responsibility, express or implied, on behalf of or in the name of any other party or to bind any other party in any manner whatsoever.