Hong Kong Cross-Border Investment Services Mission to Hangzhou (杭州), Fuzhou (福州) and Quanzhou (泉州)

Hong Kong

The mission aims to connect Hong Kong financial and professional services companies with over 1,000 representatives of mainland enterprises seeking partners for their overseas investment and business expansion interests through a series of seminars, company visits, one-to-one business matching sessions and other networking opportunities, including participation at this year’s SmartHK campaign in Fuzhou.

Hangzhou (杭州)

·         GDP reached RMB1005 billion (9.16% growth) in 2015, RMB1105 billion (9.5% growth) in 2016

·         Utilised FDI of USD7.1 billion in 2015, ranked 1st in Zhejiang Province for 9 consecutive years


·         GDP reached RMB561.8 billion in 2015, ranked 2nd in Fujian Province

·         15,148 (by Apr 2016) newly registered enterprises in Fuzhou area since the launch of the free trade zone


·         GDP reached RMB613.8 billion in 2015, ranked 1st in Fujian Province for 17 consecutive years

·         Utilised FDI of USD1.6 billion in 2015


For more information, and to register to join please contact Nelly Cheung: nelly.wy.cheung@hktdc.org or call +852 2584 4257.

Registrations must be submitted by April 7, 2017.