The African Infrastructure Paradox: Opportunities and Challenges, Session 1 of a Series


Economic development in Africa is limited by the availability and quality of key infrastructure, including road and rail transportation, energy and water. Closing this infrastructure gap is paramount to a bright future for the African economy and making it more attractive to investment capital in diverse industries. Our expert panelists took a look at what lies ahead for the savvy investor in Africa, the role of private players and how they, together with the public sector, are shaping the future of the continent.

Soraya Mellali, Senior Strategic Advisor, former Executive Director of the African Development Bank Board, Guillaume Arditti, Founding Partner, Belvedere Africa Partners, Tariye Gbadegesin, Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer, ARM Harith Infrastructure Fund Managers, Marie-Therese Laguerre-Ndiaye, Head of Operational Support - Business Driven Innovation Strategy and Innovation Department, Veolia, and Kawtar Raji-Briand, Of Counsel, ASAFO & CO.