Access to Alternatives
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At present, AIFMD allows for either a gross or a commitment method of measuring leverage. AIMA has suggested…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
The Delaware Court of Chancery has become increasingly hostile of late to lawsuits that challenge corporate…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
The US Supreme Court has accepted an appeal from a Ninth Circuit decision on insider trading. Whatever the…
State of the Industry, Access to Alternatives
By Andrew Beer New products are sold on a story. For alternative multi-manager mutual funds – most of…
Access to Alternatives, Hedge Funds, State of the Industry
The Alternative Investment Management Association and S3 Partners jointly sponsored a new survey and report…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
By Konstantin Danilov, CFA
Even though the rate of public company bankruptcies is at an all-time low, there…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
The SEC Staff Proposal on 'Accredited Investor': Index Thresholds for Inflation, Create Grandfathers
In December of 2015, the Securities and Exchange Commission released a report on the definition of an “…
State of the Industry, Access to Alternatives
We have made it a habit to present, at this time of year, a short list of the big news stories of the 12…
State of the Industry, Manager Selection, Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
A global survey by PwC and the Alternative Investment Management Association looks at the expansion of the…
State of the Industry, Manager Selection, Access to Alternatives
Two things happened almost at once recently: Wired told us who actually invented bitcoin, (well, it gave the…
State of the Industry, Emerging Asset Classes, Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives
The latest twist in the ongoing struggle for control of TICC Capital Corp., a business development company…
Access to Alternatives
The English romantic poet William Wordsworth once wrote of the heady early days of the French revolution:
Access to Alternatives
A trend in Delaware’s corporate law subjects investment banks to increasing levels of civil liability for the…
Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
The Alternative Investment Management Association has issued a new guide concerning the development and…
State of the Industry, Access to Alternatives
L. John Bird, a lawyer with Fox Rothschild LLP in Wilmington, Delaware, and a prolific blogger, writes that…
Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives