Chronicles of an Allocator

Chronicles: April 2021

Issue 14, April 2021

"Who am I?"

Despite emerging more than a decade ago, institutional investors have hesitated to add me to their portfolios. I’ve grown in popularity (and value)1 over the past year, and now an economic powerhouse like China is creating clones of me2.

I am, of course, the exploding world of digital assets.

Even if institutions aren’t making allocations to digital assets, we believe our Members and the broader professional investment industry would greatly benefit from understanding their benefits and drawbacks—not only as a potential investment opportunity but also as a genuine driver of disruption in our global economy. Though most of us do not know yet the role they will play in our portfolios, it’s fair to assert that, as Ray Dalio recently noted, digital assets have crossed “the line from being a highly speculative idea that could well not be around in short order to probably being around and probably having some value in the future.”

In this edition of Chronicles

We’re sharing resources from around the industry on the far-reaching and evolving digital assets ecosystem. If you haven’t already, we invite you to start by reading CAIA’s recent whitepaper, written collaboratively with BNP Paribas and Liquefy, and additional resources on the tokenization of alternative assets3. You can also find recent articles on these topics in our blog.

If you’d like to contribute your work to our blog or to be referenced in a future edition of our Chronicles newsletter, please let us know at


The CAIA Content Team

John L. Bowman, CFA, Senior Managing Director, TwitterLinkedIn

Keith Black, PhD, CFA, CAIA, FDP, Managing Director Content Strategy, TwitterLinkedIn

Guowei Jack Wu, CFA, Content Director, CAIA APAC, TwitterLinkedIn

Aaron Filbeck, CFA, CAIA, CIPM, FDP – Director, Global Content Development, TwitterLinkedIn