If you have been approved for a special accommodation of an Online Proctored exam, please visit the handy links below:

If you have been approved for a special accommodation of an Online Proctored exam, please visit the handy links below:

  • Test with Confidence – OP exam overview by our online exam provider, OnVue.
  • Tip & Tricks for a successful online proctored exam
  • Digital White Board Tutorial and TipsNote: Digital whiteboard contents will now be available for the duration of your CAIA exam, throughout both sections, assuming no connection interruption. This is a change from previously provided information.
  • Exam Day Support - There is a chat function within the exam where you will be able to ask your proctor for assistance. However, they will not answer exam content-specific questions. We also highly recommend you contact CAIA at candidate@caia.org immediately following your exam to notify CAIA of your experience.