Portfolio for the Future™

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Displaying 1681 - 1695 of 2217
Best performers Worst performers Global equities 42% Commodities 36% U.S. equities 33% Emerging market…
State of the Industry, Manager Selection, Asset Allocation
A recent paper by Raman Uppal of EDHEC Business School and Paolo Zaffaroni of Imperial College Business…
Risk Management, Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
On Sept. 1, we posted here our notes on the case of Rizack et al v. Signature Bank et al. This, a lawsuit…
State of the Industry
In a decision that fund managers invested in the equities of Delaware chartered corporations, especially…
Risk Management, Manager Selection
I’ve written about Risk Parity here before. Cliff Asness has kindly given me a chance to do so again, with a…
Risk Management, Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
The latest twist in the ongoing struggle for control of TICC Capital Corp., a business development company…
Access to Alternatives
A fascinating back-and-forth has broken out over the prospects of Clovis Oncology (NASDAQ: CLVS), a Boulder…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds
The combined inflows of equity, bond, and hybrid hedge funds have been remarkably steady over the last 10…
State of the Industry, Manager Selection, Hedge Funds
Two scholars affiliated with the University of Delhi India contend in a newly published paper that the case…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, ESG, Asset Allocation
The Challenges that Come With Robust Health A new report from McKinsey says that the asset management…
State of the Industry
The Alternative Investment Management Association has published a new report on the role of hedge funds in…
Hedge Funds
With a revised and updated curriculum, the CAIA Level I textbook offers the latest thinking and practices in…
State of the Industry
David von Leib has written a memoir of his decades-long career as a derivatives trader. To facilitate the…
The English romantic poet William Wordsworth once wrote of the heady early days of the French revolution: “…
Access to Alternatives
MFS, an active global asset manager that’s been around for nearly a century, has put out a white paper on…
Asset Allocation