Portfolio for the Future™

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Displaying 2071 - 2085 of 2224
By Ginger Szala MF Global is one of the more blatant examples of the danger of banks and brokers…
Manager Selection
The European Securities and Markets Authority kicked off the consultation process for the implementation of…
Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
At least Valeant is now trying to make money the old-fashioned way: by buying an operation that knows how it’…
Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
By Ky Krauthamer Grins were on the faces of China National Petroleum executives this week as they celebrated…
Big Picture Economics How to Navigate the New Global Economy By Joel L. Naroff and Ron Scherer 234 pages John…
Asset Allocation
The super-endowments of the traditional Private Ivys -- like Harvard and Yale -- are always closely watched,…
State of the Industry, Manager Selection, Asset Allocation
GFIA, in its April 2014 “Research Insights,” reviews Asian asset managers and their results for March. Let’s…
Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
Pentti Hakkarainen, deputy governor of the Bank of Finland, spoke recently on the prospects for a banking…
Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives
EDHEC-Risk Institute recently surveyed institutions around Europe for their views on the transparency and…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds
On May 13, the director of the CFTC’s Division of Market Oversight addressed the Agriculture Committee of the…
Access to Alternatives
On May 5, Joseph Stiglitz spoke in Rome, Italy, at least on one level addressing the question: Can the euro…
Asset Allocation
The independent data provider Eurekahedge has issued a report on the world’s hedge fund industry, telling us…
Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
By Don Steinbrugge, CFA There is a constant flood of articles in the media articulating that hedge funds…
Asset Allocation, Hedge Funds, Manager Selection, State of the Industry
Pimco announced recently (in a January 24th filing with the SEC) that it is going to expand its offerings of…
Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
The plot so far:  In an AAA piece about Frankenstorm, we suggested that the disconnect between the view…