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Hear our expert staff and Members speak on topics ranging from practical strategies in hedge fund investing to the importance of education in the alternatives space.

As the landscape of investments undergoes a remarkable shift with 'alternatives' taking center stage, the CAIA Association is taking a leadership role in the development of a modernized and relevant set of fiduciary practices for investment professionals and capital allocators to embrace. With the launch of our Open Comment Period on March 5, we invited all stakeholders to join us on this transformative journey, recognizing the need for principles that not only align with the industry's current trajectory but also lay the groundwork for a sustainable and responsible future for alternative investments.

Welcome to a preview of Fundamentals of Alternative Investments certificate program

In Module 1 of the Fundamentals of Alternative Investments program, we explore the differences between traditional and alternative investments and the typical structures of alternative investments. We show how alternative investments may fit into an investment portfolio from an asset allocation standpoint and highlight the diversification potential of such investments. Finally, we discuss the means of access to the markets for alternative investments, from private placements to registered products.