
State of the Industry

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Displaying 961 - 975 of 1119
By Baird’s Asset Manager Research Exploring the costs and benefits of two alternative investment approaches…
State of the Industry, Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives
On July 3, 2016 the new Market Abuse Regulation comes into effect throughout Europe, pursuant to 2014…
State of the Industry, Access to Alternatives
By Charles Skorina   Can you copy great endowment investment performance?  The Yale endowment,…
State of the Industry, Asset Allocation
Prominent alpha seeker Kyle Bass is named in the March 29 Wall Street Journal with a headline and lead…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds
Chris Skinner has a new book out, ValueWeb, which describes in the words of its lengthy subtitle “how FinTech…
State of the Industry, Emerging Asset Classes, Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives
By Charles Skorina My friend Sam Gallo has just finished the two-year executive MBA program at the University…
State of the Industry
The CFTC received a last-minute pile-up of comments on proposed rule 80 FR 78824, on automated trading. The…
State of the Industry, Access to Alternatives
Leif Anderson, co-head of the global quant group at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, and two co-authors have…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
By Dana Comolli, president, DMAXX LLC Every trader who has tried to raise money knows the drill from…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds
A recent paper correlating days-to-cover with stock returns finds a DTC premium effect and suggests that…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds
Lucy Koh, the US. District Court judge for the Northern District of California, has granted judgment for a…
State of the Industry, Access to Alternatives
Convergence, a research and advisory firm serving the alternative asset management world, has posted a review…
State of the Industry, Manager Selection, Hedge Funds
According to a new Spectrem Group whitepaper, most investors questioned believed (usually erroneously) that…
State of the Industry, Access to Alternatives
By Charles Skorina There is simply no place like New York for the depth and breadth of exceptional investment…
State of the Industry
Those of us with some years on us may remember that Art Linklater, an avuncular broadcast personality of the…
State of the Industry, Access to Alternatives