CAIA Singapore

Singapore is an exciting place for finance practitioners and academics alike.

Founded in 2005.

Welcome to CAIA Singapore.

Singapore is fast becoming an important center for the alternative investment industry in Asia. Over the years, the alternative investment industry here has become very vibrant – it is intimate enough to accommodate boutique managers, yet sophisticated enough to attract the world’s largest hedge funds, as well as two very large sovereign wealth funds with assets in excess of US$100B each. Singapore is an exciting place for finance practitioners and academics alike. Should Members feel the need to further their educational pursuits, there are many options available.

It is in such a dynamic environment that the CAIA Singapore Chapter was founded with the following objectives: • To keep its Members informed about the latest trends in the alternative investment industry through seminars led by world-class academics and practitioners. • To enable its Members, Candidates and interested professionals to better understand the various asset classes covered by the generic term ‘alternative investment.’ • To provide regular networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities for professionals working in various fields such as the private equity, hedge funds, wealth management and real estate industries. • To increase awareness about the CAIA Charter within the financial industry.

Whether you are already a Member or want to know more, we look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events. CAIA Members residing in Singapore comprise the Membership of the Chapter.

Many Chapter events are open to all financial professionals. Learn more about the CAIA exams.

We’re pleased to establish a CAIA Singapore Advisory Board. Meet the Members here.

Head of Marketing and Investor Relations, Astignes Capital
Investment Analyst, International Finance Corporation (IFC)
GM M&A and Commercial, Summit Power International
APAC Head of Alternative Investment Sales, Citi Global Wealth Management Investments
CEO and Founder, Inclusive Asset Management