
Real Estate

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Displaying 76 - 86 of 86
By Andrew Smith, CAIA Given the recent economic turmoil globally, the low interest rate environment, and a…
Infrastructure, Real Estate, State of the Industry
Maneet Ahuja is going head-to-head with Jack D. Schwager, and his “wizards” books, in this new volume from…
State of the Industry, Real Estate, Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
The end of tax season and the start of Hillary Clinton’s campaign for President nearly coincided this year,…
Real Estate, Private Equity, Access to Alternatives
The actual return correlation between two assets has nothing to do with whether they’re listed (public) or…
State of the Industry, Real Estate, Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
By Brad Case, PhD, CFA, CAIA This is the third in a series of articles focusing on the strengths of…
Real Estate, Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
By Brad Case, Ph.D., CFA, CAIA More than 46 basis points per year on average. That’s a pretty hefty drag,…
Real Estate, Private Equity
By Brad Case, Ph.D., CFA, CAIA This is the second in a series of articles focusing on the strengths of…
Real Estate, Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
By Brad Case, Ph.D., CFA, CAIA On balance it’s probably positive, provided you’re in the market during enough…
Real Estate, Private Equity
By Brad Case, Ph.D., CFA, CAIA A variety of indices are published regularly and may be appropriate for…
Real Estate, Hedge Funds
By Brad Case, Ph.D., CFA, CAIAThere are three reasons why people have made the mistake of thinking that…
Real Estate, Asset Allocation
With the real estate sector slowing down after the 2008 boom, investors in the sector are trying new and…
Real Estate