Portfolio for the Future™

Research, Analysis, and Opinions for Better Investor Outcomes

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Nathan Swem, an economist with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, has written a paper on…
Risk Management, Asset Allocation
Preqin’s new Sovereign Wealth Fund Review makes the point that total assets under the management of SWFs…
State of the Industry, Asset Allocation
The Cornerstone Capital Group, in a new white paper, looks at some of the specific interactions between ESG…
State of the Industry, ESG
By Charles Skorina All professional investors want to make money.  The question is, how and for whom? In…
State of the Industry
It was a fairly routine item about an accomplished executive changing jobs in the asset management industry,…
State of the Industry, Asset Allocation
New Strategies for Risk Management in Private Equity, a new book from Private Equity International, is an…
Risk Management, Private Equity, Manager Selection
Beachhead Capital Management has published a white paper on what it calls the “second generation of liquid…
Access to Alternatives, State of the Industry
Are companies leveling with their shareholders and stakeholders in reporting data pertinent to their…
State of the Industry, ESG
In the February issue of its Hedge Fund Spotlight, Preqin looks into its crystal ball and tells us of its…
Hedge Funds
Charles Roth, of Thornburg Investment Management, has made the case that markets have over-reacted to the…
Asset Allocation
A new CFA Institute report, working from a survey of 1,145 leaders in the contemporary global investment…
State of the Industry
Preqin has turned its Spotlight on Real Assets in a new publication, drawing our attention in particular to…
State of the Industry, Manager Selection
A new Credit Suisse report about hedge fund investors’ appetites, titled “shifting tides,” comes to the…
Asset Allocation, Hedge Funds
By Diane Harrison Few offenses are more aggravating to investors In the investor/manager communication…
State of the Industry
The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent opinion in Czyzewski v. Jevic Holding Corp. matters to hedge funds pursuing a…
Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation