
Access to Alternatives

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The European Securities and Markets Authority has released the responses it has received to its first…
Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
After an earlier post of mine here about high-frequency traders and the Securities Information Processor, I…
Access to Alternatives
A venerable economic [or sociological] principle goes by the name, “the law of unintended consequences.” In…
Access to Alternatives
Sharesleuth, a business-investigating website backed by billionaire Mark Cuban, is an experiment in the…
Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
What is true without question is this: Herbalife (NYSE: HLF) sells nutritional and skin care products through…
Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
Herbalife filed an 8-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission July 29th, including a press release dated…
Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
The Deutsche Börse Group and Eurex Clearing have together issued a white paper on “How central counter-…
Risk Management, Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
Demand produces its own supply. That is the contrary of Says Law, and it is the moral of Deutsche Bank’s new…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
*By Shane Brett of Global Perspectives and Alan Meaney of Fund Recs Depositary Lite vs. Full Depositary The…
Access to Alternatives
The growth of numerous regulatory initiatives over the last few years has led to a number of new reporting…
Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
On Monday, June 16th, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a stunningly complete victory for NML Capital, the…
Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives
Don’t fence us in. Our alpha-hunting readers, as a matter of routine, use a variety of settlement systems,…
Emerging Asset Classes, Access to Alternatives
Back in 1950, scientist Alan Turing, pictured here, proposed an operational test of whether a machine can…
Access to Alternatives
Money is a strange phenomenon. Our modern notion of it mean that (in essence) it is intrinsically useless…
Access to Alternatives, Asset Allocation
Two economists at the Division of International Finance, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, have…
Access to Alternatives