Portfolio for the Future™

Research, Analysis, and Opinions for Better Investor Outcomes

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Displaying 1276 - 1290 of 2207
An October 2017 white paper from Deloitte discusses the extent to which the offerings of tokens built upon…
State of the Industry, Emerging Asset Classes, Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives
New Forests, an Australia-based investment manager focusing on strategies in forestry, land management, and…
A forthcoming paper in the Stanford Journal of Law, Business, and Finance looks at the cryptocurrency markets…
Hedge Funds, Emerging Asset Classes, Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives
Bain & Co., a consultancy to the private equity industry, has issued its Global Private Equity Report…
Private Equity
A new paper from PricewaterhouseCoopers on the coming transformations in the asset and wealth management…
State of the Industry, Manager Selection, Hedge Funds
By Diane Harrison With year-end holidays approaching and investment action wrap-up and forward planning in…
State of the Industry
Three years ago, Amin Rajan, the CEO of CREATE-Research, prepared a study of the way that pension plans had…
State of the Industry, Asset Allocation
Introduction to TK Fee-to-Alpha ratioTM (TKFA)           …
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds
A new paper by Jon Exley, solutions manager of Schroders, discusses cashflow-driven investment (CDI) as a…
State of the Industry, Asset Allocation
A paper put out in October by an Associate Director and a Managing Director at Pavilion Alternatives Group…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research, in Cambridge, Mass., discusses what its…
Asset Allocation
By Nicolas Rabener, FactorResearch Factor Investing in the Wild West of Financial Markets Summary:…
State of the Industry, Emerging Asset Classes, Access to Alternatives
By Alex Tarantino These are good times to be a private equity fund investor.  Returns have been strong…
Private Equity
Ernst & Young has released a new survey on how hedge fund managers may “embrace innovation to illuminate…
Hedge Funds, State of the Industry
These are good times to be a private equity fund investor.  Returns have been strong with distributions…