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Hear our expert staff and Members speak on topics ranging from practical strategies in hedge fund investing to the importance of education in the alternatives space.

Thomas Meyer discussed his new book and, together with Jacob Perner, explained how the concepts presented can be applied to the management of private asset portfolios.

There are currently over 11,000 cryptocurrencies and digital assets. With many experiencing price volatility of over 100% per year, or five times the volatility of stocks, there is substantial disagreement on how to value these assets. Some valuation models used for traditional equity valuation can be used to price these assets. Investors may also find it useful to understand business models, emerging industries, and oligopolistic models.

There are many methods for conducting performance attribution with portfolios containing only liquid assets. A lack of periodic asset return data and a clear definition of what constitutes an appropriate market benchmark thwarts efforts to perform similar types of attribution analyses for portfolios of private equity funds (and other illiquid investments). This presentation covered a proposed methodology for decomposing private fund portfolio performance in an article, “Private Portfolio Attribution Analysis,” published in the Fall 2021 edition of The Journal of Alternative Investments.

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ESG is no longer a mere add-on in a portfolio or investment strategy. For an increasing number of investors in alternatives, a thoughtful approach to ESG issues has become table stakes. As the industry continues to define the role of ESG and develop approaches to measure and analyze the effect of these issues on their portfolios, industry professionals must continue to educate themselves about the key trends and developments related to ESG across alternative asset classes. CAIA, in partnership with Nuveen, hosted a thought-provoking webinar series organized exclusively for the benefit of institutional investors across the world. In this fourth session, we discussed how asset owners can best integrate some of the most material ESG issues into their portfolios, regardless of asset class.

Listen in as Dan Joldzic, CEO & Quantitative Research, Alexandria Technology discusses natural language processing (NLP). NLP techniques can be used to analyze a variety of data sources, including news reports, company regulatory filings and earnings calls, as well as posts on social media sites such as Reddit. The output from these models can be used for stock selection with varying time horizons and degrees of alpha capture. This data can also be used to analyze sentiment regarding the ESG footprint of both public and private companies.

CAIA CEO Bill Kelly talks with Tony Davidow, President and Founder of T. Davidow Consulting LLC, about his new book, “Goals-Based Investing.” In their wide-ranging conversation, they touched on themes and changes Davidow sees in the wealth management advice space going forward, as well as current and future market conditions. As Davidow told Kelly, “I’d argue the next 10 years are going to be dramatically different than the last 10 years.”

CAIA CEO Bill Kelly was recently featured on The Fintech Files podcast, hosted by George Aliferis, where they discussed data and ethics in the investment management landscape. “A hallmark of a true professional, a true fiduciary, is doing the right thing when nobody's looking,” said Kelly, explaining that he added “diversity of people” into his blog’s tagline because it reflects his and CAIA’s commitment to diversity. Click here for the full podcast to hear more on data and ethics in investment management, and how Kelly connects this to the Hippocratic oath and talking Barbie dolls.

In a joint effort, KPMG International, CREATE-Research, and CAIA Association examined the role of capital markets in the transition to a low-carbon world. This report investigated the experiences to date of climate investing and the changes we can expect in the next three years, as we move towards a new investment paradigm. The research includes insights from 90 institutional investors, alternative investment managers, long only managers and pension consultants in 20 countries in all the key regions. This panel discussion focused on the insights, findings, and takeaways gathered from this report. Download the report here.

In the latest installment of “This Is Us,” CAIA Association CEO Bill Kelly interviews CAIA Board Member Alexander Ineichen about his new book, “Applied Wisdom: 700 Witticisms to Save Your Assets.” Ineichen, who is the founder of Ineichen Research and Management AG, also discusses current market conditions.

We officially launched CAIA LatAm, CAIA Association's 32nd Global Chapter! Made up of representatives from Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, and Peru, the Chapter Executive Committee will work to provide opportunities for local CAIA Members in many locations to network, share knowledge, and create an environment that fosters the growth of the local alternative investment industry. The Chapter will also host educational events featuring thought leaders, who will discuss a variety of alternative investment trends and strategies.

CAIA Association CEO Bill Kelly, CAIA Executive Vice President John Bowman, and the LatAm Chapter Committee hosted this special launch event as they outlined their mission and plans for 2022!

Listen in as CAIA Association’s Managing Director, Asia Pacific, Industry Relations, Jo Murphy, and Shreekant Daga, CAIA, CFA, FRM, Associate Director, India Liaison Office, provided an update on the private equity industry and introduced CAIA Association. Further, Wendy Leung, Assistant Director, Asia Pacific, External Relations, at CAIA Association, had a conversation with CAIA Member, Aswini Bajaj, CEO of Leveraged Growth about his CAIA journey.