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Hear our expert staff and Members speak on topics ranging from practical strategies in hedge fund investing to the importance of education in the alternatives space.

Thomas Meyer discussed his new book and, together with Jacob Perner, explained how the concepts presented can be applied to the management of private asset portfolios.

ESG is no longer a mere add-on in a portfolio or investment strategy. For an increasing number of investors in alternatives, a thoughtful approach to ESG issues has become table stakes. As the industry continues to define the role of ESG and develop approaches to measure and analyze the effect of these issues on their portfolios, industry professionals must continue to educate themselves about the key trends and developments related to ESG across alternative asset classes.

Listen to CAIA, in partnership with Nuveen, on a thought-provoking webinar series organized exclusively for the benefit of institutional investors across the world. In this first session, we discussed the role of data and disclosure as investor interest moves to private capital. We seek to answer the overarching question: what are some of the lessons public market investors have learned that can be mitigated or avoided in private markets?

In this presentation, Aaron Filbeck discussed private equity investments, focusing on venture capital. Aaron provided insight into the life cycle and performance of venture capital funds and presented a framework for the private equity investment process, from the development of portfolio objectives, through liquidity management, and manager selection. Aaron concluded with a look at the risks involved in venture capital investments. Aaron’s presentation was followed by Rebecca who provided a presentation on venture capital updates for 2021. This presentation covered industry AUM, dry powder, fundraising, deals, and investor appetite.

View Preqin's Slide Presentation Here

In this webcast, the CAIA Association and State Street Associates discussed biases in private equity valuations. Private equity funds and portfolio company valuation appraisals are often subject to certain biases, which can lead to a smoothed time series of returns and understated risks if adjustments are not made. This discussion examined some of the common biases and how practitioners can adjust for them.

Listen as this group of experts aim to provide interns with a view to different paths a career in this industry can take. The panel discusses both investment and non investment roles in the hedge fund and private credit industry.

Listen to this insightful discussion on the characteristics of hedge funds and an overview of funds by age, domicile, and concentrations across the hedge fund universe. An overview of environmental, social, and governance investing (ESG) will also be shared, along with the history of ESG investing, and much more.

The world of alternative investments continues to grow and change. Nearly US$10 trillion in assets have flowed into the alternative investment industry in the last fifteen years. Now alternative investments are starting to show up in mutual funds and ETFs. What might the future hold?

Description: On average, venture capital and buyout funds experience a performance falloff after seven to eight years, while the cross-sectional dispersion amongst them increases. Join the authors of “The Evolution of Private Equity Fund Value”, published in The Journal of Alternative Investments, as they discussed their research findings, which represents the first large-sample analysis of buyout and venture capital fund values over their lifetimes.

Panelists: Jian Zhang, PhD, CFA, Partner, Investment Strategy and Risk Management, Adams Street, Gregory Brown, PhD, Professor of Finance, Director of the Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and moderated by Jack Wu, CFA, CAIA, Director of Content APAC, CAIA Association

Many investors are seeking to add assets to their portfolio that can be effective in hedging increasing rates of inflation. Assets that have been considered to hedge inflation risk include equities, real estate, commodity futures, farmland, timberland, inflation-linked bonds, infrastructure, and master limited partnerships. Each of these assets varies in its ability to hedge inflation risks, as well as in the liquidity provisions.

In this webcast, Keith Black, PhD, CAIA, CFA, FDP, Managing Director, Content Strategy at CAIA and Jeffrey Hall, CAIA, Head of International Product at Nuveen, discussed real assets and the current market update. This session was moderated by Millissa Allen, CAIA, Managing Director, Global Head, Fundamentals of Alternative Investments at CAIA.

In addition to the replay above, following are some additional resources from Nuveen that helped facilitate our discussion:

This webcast focused on how alternative data can help private equity firms with post acquisition value creation. Expert speakers from data aggregator Eagle Alpha and data-driven PE fund Growth Curve Capital demonstrated practical examples of how alternative data can be applied to increase the value of portfolio companies.

A conversation with Hossein Kazemi PhD, CFA and Aaron Filbeck, CFA, CAIA, CIPM, FDP discussing The Journal of Alternative Investments, Summer 2021