
Emerging Asset Classes

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A report from CREATE in collaboration with BNY Mellon looks at two related megatrends in investing—climate…
State of the Industry, Private Equity, Hedge Funds, ESG, Emerging Asset Classes, Asset Allocation
The term “greenwashing” is not a compliment. It isn’t supposed to be a good thing. Greenwashing means the re-…
State of the Industry, ESG, Emerging Asset Classes
Advocates of sustainable investing in Japan are struggling, according to a new report co-authored by William…
State of the Industry, ESG, Emerging Asset Classes
Initial Exchange Offerings, that is, offerings administered by a crypto exchange, on behalf of a startup—…
State of the Industry, Emerging Asset Classes, Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives
Renewable energy, however defined, is widely seen as a sustainable and socially responsible (and, if the…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds, ESG, Emerging Asset Classes, Asset Allocation
Tatja Karkkainen, a scholar on financial technology who is pursuing a PhD at the University of Glasgow, has…
State of the Industry, Emerging Asset Classes, Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives
By Bill Kelly, CEO, CAIA Association The Urban Dictionary turned 20 years old last month. If staying power…
Emerging Asset Classes, ESG, State of the Industry, Educational Alpha
Yes, venture capital manager, we understand that you want a piece of that unicorn yonder. But does the…
State of the Industry, Private Equity, Emerging Asset Classes, Access to Alternatives
Amundi, the French asset management firm that, less than a year ago, launched the world’s largest green bond…
State of the Industry, ESG, Emerging Asset Classes
GARCH (Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity) models are very useful for estimating the…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Emerging Asset Classes, Access to Alternatives
By Bill Kelly, CEO, CAIA Association Witness if you will… This was often the opening line of Rod…
Emerging Asset Classes, State of the Industry, Educational Alpha
A new study by two scholars, an American and an Italian, presents evidence that financial markets are pricing…
State of the Industry, ESG, Emerging Asset Classes
A new article by Dave Dowsett and Heather Wied, both of Invesco, looks at blockchains and the way this new…
State of the Industry, Risk Management, Emerging Asset Classes, Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives
A new paper by Ilias Filippou and two other scholars looks at ETF arbitrage. This is a trading strategy that…
State of the Industry, Emerging Asset Classes, Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives
Five stories stand out as the dominant stories for and about pursuers of alpha in the year just passed. There…
State of the Industry, Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Emerging Asset Classes, Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives