To promote alternative investment knowledge in the capital markets of the Latin America region, implementing the best practices of analysis and management of those assets, under the highest ethical standards, advocacy, and active engagement.

Welcome to CAIA LatAm.

Our objective: To offer value to current and potential Charterholders by creating community, providing educational and networking industry events, and increase engagement to adopt the best practices in the regional capital markets. To increase the CAIA Association’s brand awareness and promote the designation in the region.

Our Mission: To promote alternatives investment knowledge in capital markets across the Latin America region, implementing the best practices of analysis and management of those assets, under the highest ethical standards, advocacy, and active engagement.

Many Chapter events are open to all financial professionals. Learn more about the CAIA exams.

Partner & Head of Latin America, Alpine Capital Advisors (Santiago, Chile)
Senior Advisor, Alpine Capital Advisors
Partner, CIO, Colunquén Investment Office
Director and Head of Alternative Investments
Deputy CIO, Bottom-Up Strategy, AFP Integra
Investment Officer, Inter-American Development Bank
Partner & Portfolio Manager, Kinea Investimentos
Partner, Pragma Gestao de Patrimonio
Director Portfolio Solutions, BTG Pactual
Partner, Vintage Capital Advisors
Director of Investments, Yellowstone Capital Partners
Buyside Research Senior Analyst, Credicorp Asset Management
Senior Portfolio Manager, Axis Capital
VP Credit Risk & Analysis, Independent